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what plug for a 1972 25 HP evenrude

DOWNLOAD what plug for a 1972 25 HP evenrude

This repair manual covers all Johnson Evinrude Outboards 50-125 HP, 3-cylinder and V4, 2-stroke models, 1958 to 1972.

Chapter 1 is not present. Chapter one describes general information on outboard motors, tools, safety and other information in general, not specific to the motors described in this manual.

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what plug for a 1972 25 HP evenrude

Step-by-step illustrated keyed procedures guide you through every conceivable job possible, including all adjustments necessary. Perfect for do-it-yourselfers and professional mechanics.

Table of Contents

  • Engine tune-up
  • Engine disassembly and reassembly
  • Fuel system
  • Ignition system
  • Electrical system
  • Cooling system
  • Drive unit
  • Engine specs; torque specs
  • Maintenance and off-season storage
  • Wiring diagrams

  • - Some information in a chapters may be hard to find.

Step-by-step procedures and detailed illustrations guide you through every job, from routine maintenance and troubleshooting, all the way to complete teardown and rebuild.

498 pages.

File Size: 54.08Mb.

DOWNLOAD what plug for a 1972 25 HP evenrude